Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Shocking Discovery Unwrapped in Holiday Snack Food

Unwelcome Presents in Snack Food Ingredients
I am so bummed about Bugles!

I used to love this snack food as a child but seldom eat them these days. Most of the time I come across Bugles is around the Christmas as a party snack food.

Reading food labels has been a habit for me for the last 1-2 years, and I decided to take a peek at the Bugles label. I was mainly looking for the usual things such as

  • Serving size 
  • Calories per serving 
  • Fat per serving 
  • Fat content - saturated vs unsaturated 
Bugles didn't show me much that I didn't already expect such as a calorie content of 160 calories per 30 gram serving. Why don't the companies quantify in # of Bugles in a serving? It's a major hassle to weigh out chips on a kitche scale. I suspect that the serving size is around 12 to 15  Bugles based on some other chip labels that do give chip counts per serving.

However, the biggest surprise for me were the ingredients list in Bugles. The two main ones that caught my eye were

The degermed cornmeal is basically the same a white flour. It is cornmeal stripped of all the fiber. I'm sure the glycemic index for it is higher than less processed cornmeal.

BHT is a preservative, not unexpected. I recognize toluene as a chemical compound from college organic chemistry, and it is not something that I would ever want to eat especially knowing now that  embalming fluid and jet fuel also contain BHT.

Sadly, Bugles and I must part ways now. I ate my last chip yesterday. The lesson that I learned again yesterday and share here is the lesson to always read labels not only for servings and calorie information but also to investigate what you are eating. 

I intend to eat less processed foods, foods without perservatives, and more whole grains this coming New Year. How about you?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Better Health: A 2012 Family Christmas Gift

Make Health your 2012 Family Gift 
The highest goal of a parent or grandparent is preparing our children for a life more successful and abundant than the life we live. Health should be considered one of the most important signs of success in life. As you and your family celebrate Christmas and the holidays, commit to gifting you and your family with the gift of better health in 2012.

Decades of medical research demonstrates a strong link between obesity and conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure. It is a fact that these conditions will appear in many
adults as we age. Many adults require medications to treat these life-threatening conditions. Yet, medications are the main method that should be used to control obesity-related problems. A more healthy lifestyle is a factor that all people can employ to improve type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure, and reverse obesity.

Begin your Family Christmas Gifts that will lead to better health for all in 2012 right now. These are simple yet powerful suggestion that will benefit everyone in the family.

Commit to Healthy Eating 

Buy freshly grown foods and seek well-balanced food choices. Make it a point to eat family meals together as often as possible. Eat healthy foods with your family and be the leader in trying new foods. Choose reasonable size food portions.

Eliminate routine snacks and look for healthy snacks without hydrogenated oils, white flour, or corn syrup.  Avoid using sweets as rewards.

Exercise Together

Exercise doesn't mean weight lifting or running on the treadmill. A family game of basketball or a brisk walk are simple ways to get more exercise when done regularly. There is a variety of other fun and inexpensive ways to stay active such as jumping rope, making an obstacle course, or climbing on a playground jungle gym that helps to develop strong muscles and burn calories.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Heart Health Begins Early

High cholesterol and artery inflammation seen in young
overweight children 
Will today's pre-schoolers be heart patients in their 20s? 

A recent medical research study showed alarming findings. Overweight kids who participated in a national health screening had blood markers linked to heart disease.

The health survey showed abnormal cholesterol levels and levels of substances linked to inflammation and  blood vessel damage.

While this study doesn't mean that damage is definite or that a heart attack is around the corner, the study does have some important implications. As parent's it is vital to care for our children's health. Childhood obesity is linked with a number of health problems including high blood pressure, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, and hip problems. The toll of prolonged time at an unhealthy weight will eventually catch up and impact a child's health in young adulthood.

Beginning a family-wide change in diet and fitness is the best Christmas present that a parent can do for themselves and their overweight children.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

"Skinny Vinny" in the News

Vinny Hickerson gains new fame after Biggest Loser
Vinny came close but didn't win a prize on the Biggest Loser. However, the fame and recognition he achieved from the show's appearance has given him a new label as a handsome guy. 

Vinny was one of the most likeable, if not the most likeable, on BL Season 12. The publicity he got from appearing on the show will undoubtedly help him with a career in music.

Ultimately, the health and new life that he gained from the show is a greatest "prize" that he won. I wish him the best and hope he gains and progresses with more success in his life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Biggest Loser Season 12 Finale Summary

Congratulations to John Rhode for winning season 12. Below are the stats on the players. I want to dig into the stats a bit more in future posts.


John Rhode Age 40
Starting Weight: 445
Weight at finale: 225

Total weight loss: 220 -  49.4%

Antone Davis Age 44
Starting Weight: 447
Weight at finale: 245

Total weight loss: 202 -  45.2%

Ramon Medeiros Age 27

Eliminated week 10, qualified by winning marathon
Starting Weight: 355
Weight prior to finale: 245
Weight at finale: 201

Total weight loss: 154 -  43.4%


Jennifer Rumple Age 39
Eliminated Week 6
Starting Weight: 330
Weight prior to finale:228
Weight at finale: 185
Total weight loss: 145 -  43.9%

Vencent "Vinny" Hickerson Age 27

Eliminated Week 11
Starting Weight: 426
Weight at finale: 242

Total weight loss: 184 -  43.2%

Patrick Ferrari Age 26
Eliminated Week 3
Starting Weight: 387
Weight prior to finale: 296
Weight at finale: 236
Total weight loss: 151 -  39%


Week 1 

Deborah "Debbie" Lounds Age 60
Starting Weight: 239
Weight prior to finale: 215
Weight at finale: 206
Total weight loss: 33 -  13.8%

Week 2 

Ohn "Johnny" Forger Age 65
Starting Weight: 328
Weight prior to finale: 269
Weight at finale: 231
Total weight loss: 97 lbs - 29.6% loss

Week 4 

Mike Danley Age 62
Starting Weight: 309
Weight prior to finale: 239
Weight at finale: 223
Total weight loss: 86 -  27.8%

Week 5 

Courtney Rainville Age 24
Starting Weight: 270
Weight prior to finale: 205
Weight at finale: 183
Total weight loss: 87 -  32.2%

Week 7 

Jessica Limpert  Age 26
Starting Weight: 254
Weight prior to finale: 185
Weight at finale: 174
Total weight loss: 84 -  33.1%

Week 8 

Joe Mitchell Age 46
Starting Weight: 348
Weight prior to finale: 230
Weight at finale: 215
Total weight loss: 133 -  38.2%

Week 9

Bonnie Griffin Age 63
Starting Weight: 254
Weight prior to finale: 186
Weight at finale: 177
Total weight loss: 77 -  30.3%

Week 11

Sunny Sinclair Age 41
Starting Weight: 277
Weight prior to finale: 181
Weight at finale: 171
Total weight loss: 106 -  38.3%

Week 12

Rebecca "Becky" Comet Age 51
Starting Weight: 238
Weight prior to finale: Sorry didn't record this info
Weight at finale: 150
Total weight loss: 88 - 37% loss

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Marathon and one week until finale

Biggest Loser Season 12 marathon start
I was really looking forward to the marathon after last week's program. The marathon does discriminate against older players as well as players with leg or hip injuries. Unfortunately, the hips, knees, and ankles will take a beating if you're obese. This season's contestants have shown that to be true.

I hope that they continue the marathon concept tradition with subsequent shows. I like the concept that a person can be eliminated and work hard at home to regain a spot. Perhaps, they can create a multiple challenge that includes weight loss, knowledge, and physical challenge as a pathway to the finale.

Ramon won the marathon and joined two others for the finale. He has shown great effort this season; however, he is a long-shot for winning. It will be interesting to see what becomes of his relationship with Jessica in the future. Will it endure after all the Biggest Loser attention fades?

"Crazy Courtney" made an appearance in the marathon and again showed her hang-up for Bob Harper. She seems to have continued with weight loss, and I'm glad to see the stress fracture has healed. I'm sure she will offer some great material next week with the finale. Will Bob need a restraining order in the future?

Boston Johnny's alter-ego
It was fun to see Boston Johnny (aka Burgermesiter Meisterburger) in the marathon. It took him and Debbie over 12 hours to finish it, but they did finish - what heart, what optimism!

And speaking for heart and competition - what about Coach Mike. The guy finished in 9th or 10th place!


Becky did not deliver weight loss at the final weigh-in - only lost 10 lbs since going home. She strongly demonstrates the challenge that all players (really everyone who is on a weight loss journey) faces when living "real life".

The competition between Antone and John will be great. I personally like Antone, and I hope he wins. However, I suspect John will be the more likely winner. However, I agree with Dolvett that it is likely that John will regain his weight. I think he is still a wounded person who needs balance and healing in his life.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Update on at home player

I was searching news on Biggest Loser and came across a story on Joe Mitchell who was eliminated in week 7. He is working hard for the at home prize.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Show recap Nov 29th

Makeover Week 
Makeover week started out with the ever favorite weighted race challenge. I love the physical challenges! John continues to show dominance in challenges and weight loss. He is the person to beat on the ranch.

The makeovers themselves were kind of a letdown. I was prepared to be dazzled with all the hype, but only Becky really had a major change in her look. Her wedding ring moment with her husband was very touching.

Plastic People 

I continue with conflict on John. Is he is a game-player and manipulator or is he a confused, wounded person? He just doesn't come off as real to me. Everything he says including his talk about commitment to change with Dolvett just doesn't ring totally true. In the end, I am coming down that he is a wounded person who has been unable to be real with others. I am hopeful that his time at the Ranch will move him to a better place where he can remain and grow.

Anna isn't real. Nothing in her talk with Sunny seemed genuine or inspired. There is no warmth or personal connection. Again, glad she is going.


I was surprised a bit that Sunny and Antone fell below the line. I had expected a closer competition. I was even more surprised that the voting members kept Antone - the stronger competitor! This is shaping up to be a great finale.

Next Week

Marathon is next week. I am excited to see old contestants compete. I am wondering how they will get down to three contestants for the finale. Maybe, there will be a red line to automatically eliminate the lowest player combined with a yellow line for viewers to select between the remaining two lowest weight losers.

Excitement to come!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Power of the portion

I am a big fan of Cooking Light. The 12 healthy habit program for the year has been very inspirational.

The last two habits of the year are particularly important when facing the temptation that the holiday season brings.

November's healthy habit is portion control. I've linked to 10 top secrets on portion control. It is a great article that I hope you enjoy.

Last week show recap

Goodbye Ramon. The vote was quite a lot of drama. My misgivings about John's deceitfulness have returned.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Consider this thought.

Dwelling in the past or worrying about the future impairs with your ability to enjoy the present and being thankful for today.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fabulous Fiber

Fiber is a very important part of everyone's eating plan.  Fiber is one of the three types of carbohydrates.  The other two are sugar and starch.  Fiber can be found in the roots, stems, and leaves of plants and remains in the digestive process as it passes through your system - a vital function.

There are two types of fiber

  • Soluble 
  • Insoluble

Insoluble fiber doesn't dissolve in water and it's rough, hence the name "roughage" is sometimes applied to insoluble fiber.  It goes straight through your system and helps with problems such as constipation by increasing the bulk of your stools. Insoluble fiber has basically no calories. The best sources for soluble fiber are beans, fruits, barley, and oats.

Soluble fiber does dissolve in water and turns into a jelly-like mass.  This is great for diabetics as it slows down sugar absorption in the blood, helping to prevent spikes in blood glucose levels. Soluble fiber has about 4 calories per gram, the same as the other types of carbohydrates.

Fiber helps you lose weight is by causing you to have to chew more and slowing down the absorption of nutrients.  By eating slower, you have time to realize you're full sooner, so you eat less.

There are conflicts about how much fiber you should include in your diet each day.  The USDA recommendation for adults is 25 grams. Just remember to eat a varied diet, and include a lot of basic unprocessed food in your eating plan and you should get adequate amounts of fiber in your diet. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Troubling turkey preparation

Thanksgiving is less than a week away. The main challenges surrounding this fun, family time include:

Planning the meal 
Cooking the meal
Eating healthy 

The main menu item for most Thanksgiving meals is turkey.

Turkey can be prepared so many ways including traditional roasting, deep frying, smoking, or grilling.

Preparing turkey has issues beyond cooking the perfect bird. The time, expense as well as dealing with leftovers are all issues surrounding the Thanksgiving main course.

A quick and easy solution to these challenges is the use of turkey cutlets. Cutlets are perfect for portion size and ease of preparation. Grilling cutlets with simple seasoning is a fast way to quickly get the main course on the table. The turkey cutlet recipe above courtesy of Cooking Light shows another way to dress up the cutlet into a delicious, elegant meal in under 30 minutes.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Show recap November 15th


Contestants competed in five events with a loose Olympic theme. Two of the three events were non-physical challenges which evened up the competition. I especially liked the nutrition knowledge quiz which is vital for lifelong weight management success.

Apollo Ono made a short appearance at the final running event to support and encourage the contestants. How amazing to see the progress in contestants' endurance and performance.


There wasn't much time spent with the trainers this week except for Dolvett Quince's segment with John. It was a intense and really added a very personal story to a trainer that I have found very likeable. I hope that he continues with the show.


Bonnie finished last in the competition and received a 1 lb penalty. This penalty placed her lowest in the weight loss. She chose to leave the show rather than force a vote between her and Becky.  I had a change of heart on her in the last few weeks and find her very likeable.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bye Anna

News came out today that Anna Kournikova is leaving Biggest Loser after this season. I'm not surprised, and I'm not sad.

Comments on the article sum up my opinion as well.  She was uninspiring and unable to make a personal connection with viewers, BL staff, and contestants.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Be a Childish Eater for the Holidays

Cooking Light's Twelve Healthy Habits for 2011 inspires readers every month. One recent in particular assumes new relevance with the approach of Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

Five Healthy Habits We Can Learn from Kids offered some very practical tips.

1. Live an Active Life
2. Listen to Your Tummy
3. Enjoy Every Bite
4. Fun Takes Precedence over Food
5. Be a Finicky Eater

I think the final tip is especially relevant in this Holiday Season. The weeks spanning from Halloween through New Year's challenge everyone dedicated to eating healthy and living actively. The tip comes especially in handy when treats inevitably arrive in the office in the next few months. Here are three quick practical, personal takes on energizing this simple tip. 

  • Eat only what you know you like  
  • Take a small taste of unknown treats
  • Spit out (politely) or put aside anything you try and don't like

All manner of food and treats will make their appearance in public, office, and home during these next weeks. Use this tip and you will gain the edge when facing healthy eating challenges.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Show recap for November 8th


The cooking challenge was a great way to start off the show. All of the recipes looked delicious. I want to find the winning pork recipe to try it. The calorie count under 300 calories is astounding.

I plan to check out the Biggest Loser Quick and Easy Cookbook 


Sad to see Joe go. He is a very likeable person.Drama was added by having only a single player in each team weigh-in for the week.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Prior Planning when Eating Out

I experienced a practical example of the perils of eating out yesterday. I was forced to get breakfast at Starbucks near my work.

I tried very hard to size up the pastry choices and decided on the raspberry scone. I checked my calorie and fat choice later in the day.


I made a very unhealthy choice that incurred 480 calories with 25 grams of fat. I should have gone with the apple bran muffin at 350 calories and 8 grams of fat. I should have known better that scones are made with tons of butter.

I did choose an Americano ( Espresso +  hot water) for my drink and used skim milk + splenda which added little calories to the scone.

Prior planning is my take-home thought to share.

1. Do your nutrition research before you go to the restaurant

Many restaurants post their nutrition information online. A little research will allow you to create your own healthy item choices before you ever step inside the restaurant

2. Consider supplementing the menu with your own food

I should have carried some healthy breakfast items with me instead of going whole in at starbucks. I could have supplemented a packed breakfast with a 150 calorie skinny latte with sugar-free vanilla syrup as my sweet treat.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Portion size perils

I wanted to share a brief real life portion challenge I faced yesterday. I went to try out a new frozen yogurt place with the family. The store was giving some of the sales to a local school.

The big sign in the store touted how healthy their yogurt was - low calorie, safe for diabetics, safe for lactose intolerant, ect. The set up in the store allowed you to self serve the yogurt, add toppings, and then pay based on the weight of the serving.

HERE'S THE PERIL..... the sign also said that an 8 oz serving of yogurt had 64 calories. BUT... the only container choice available was much larger at 32 oz.  The store's system was set up to make it hard to truly control portion size if you're counting.

IN ADDITION, the toppings were mostly unhealthy choices like gummi bears or crumbled candy bars further making controlling calories a challenge. Filling the cup up and adding candy toppings would probably set you back at least 350 calories or more.

I hopefully stayed under a 100 calories with my choice. I tried to ballpark 8 oz of the chocolate yogurt (hardly filled the monster cup) and added maybe 1/2 or 1/4 cup of chopped strawberries.

So, be a hawk about portions and choices when eating out.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Show recap for Nov 2nd - Things Change

Just a quick post on the show. I watched it late last night. It was one of the more enjoyable shows for this season.


I've said how much I HATE temptation challenges. I LOVE knowledge challenges like last night's calorie counting challenge. Calorie counting is an essential tool for to both achieve and maintain weight loss.

Oft overlooked calories in Mexican Restaurant meal
It is staggering to think that all of the meals shown had calorie counts equal to a full day worth of calories. Sunny's Mexican meal was over 4000 calories! There are so many calorie hazards with Mexican food. One of the the most overlooked hazards are the tortilla chips. A basket of chips can set up back 250-400 calories. Add some queso to those chips, and it's all over.

Final Word on Anna 
Thumbs down to Anna
I have decided thumbs down on Anna as a trainer. Telling Joe to "man up" is not a great way to start your trainer relationship. I realize that her team achieved success at the weigh-in. However, she doesn't have likability or inspiration.

Anna is talented and capable. She was able to take her good looks and talent as a good (not great) tennis player and be successful.  However, she just isn't able in my mind to use her skills to add value as a trainer to the Biggest Loser. NBC needs to keep looking for a trainer or make Jillian Michael an offer she can't refuse.

I won't waste any more time commenting on Anna. I hope that her team is able to take what they need from her and others on the Ranch to be successful.


Jessica's departure was logical. She is young and healthy. Her chance of winning the marathon is pretty good.

I also think it is good for her and Ramon to have some time apart to gain perspective on their romance.

Bonnie Reconsidered 

I was pretty harsh on Bonnie in a prior post. I have some regret after last night's episode. She appeared to be a different person. Maybe, her relationship with Anna was so toxic and negative. I'm taking a fresh look at Bonnie now. I hope that Dolvett and John will help her in her personal growth.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Four Halloween Survival Tips

Halloween begins the Triple Threat weight gain time of the year.

Here are four tips to make your Halloween fun while controlling the high calorie tricks.

1. Start the burn early

Workout in the morning. A calorie burn in the morning will boost metabolic rate all day and give some extra calories for nocturnal indulgence.

2. Keep candy calorie counts in mind

Candy is candy, and you will have lots calories, sugar, and fats in any treats you receive. However, not all candy is equal. Some candy choices hit the calorie and fat bottom line much harder than others. Here is a quick guide on Best and Worst Halloween Candy courtesy of Eat this, not that.

Portion on control is key as well. Enjoy only a few of your treats on Halloween and save or share the rest over the next one or two weeks.

3. Watch the alcohol

Adult parties with adult beverages are common on Halloween. The calorie breakdown for common alcoholic drinks includes the following:

  • 12 oz beer = 150 calories 
  • 5 oz wine = 100 calories 
  • 6 oz Margarita = 327 calories 

Moderate your drinking or even skip the alcohol to save yourself some calories.

4. Trick-or-treat on your feet

Walk instead of drive the trick-or-treat route. Besides the extra calorie burn with walking, you'll get some additional benefits including:

  • visiting fewer homes which means less candy 
  • actually talking to neighbors or meeting new people 
  • getting your children active 

I hope these tips help you create new Halloween habits. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Haloween Biggest Loser Show Recap

I was on the road this week and happy for help from the DVR again.

Ten pieces of Halloween Candy has roughly 750 calories

The theme was Halloween for this show. I want to say again that I really HATE temptation challenges. There is something really wrong about rewarding poor choices. This week's temptation was to eat Halloween candy. I was glad to see that nobody succumbed and ate.

The show format was different as well with everyone's status in jeopardy this week which always shakes things up. I expected that the producers would begin to shake things up with things such as team changes or trainer changes. The trainer change came this week, and I see that team changes are next week.

Drama and Love this Week 

Ramon and Jessica are officially a couple. Being on the Ranch really seems bring out romance, witness Matt and Suzy Hoover.

We also got some personal details on John and his life. He wants to be more emotional and open. I mentioned in that past that he comes off as insincere to me. Maybe, he is being real, and he will drop the facade. We also get a bit more on Vinny's tough childhood.

The Trainers

It was good to see the trainers get a chance to work-out everyone this week. The variety of work-out styles was really showcased. Anna's tennis workout was unique and highlighted that a good workout can come by many different methods.

Bob seems to bring the best in everyone including Bonnie


Jennifer was eliminated this week. Hints were dropped last week that she didn't fit well in the Black team. Everyone seemed to gang up on her even when Sunny gained 5 lbs. I guess she was a source for a lot of drama at the Ranch that was shown. There no hugs or good-byes at her departure further suggesting

I am glad for her that she has lost 102 lbs, and she is gunning for a win at the marathon.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Remains of the Pumpkin

Home Hack Job

Carving the pumpkin is a fun Halloween tradition. I just finished carving our family pumpkin. I included a photo of the hack job.

The job of pumpkin carving is a messy one. The most obvious reward is a hopefully scary or silly jack-o-lantern for the porch on the 31st.

However, the pumpkin seeds present a hidden reward for those who are willing to invest some extra effort.

Toasting pumpkin seeds from the carved pumpkin makes for a fun and flavorful snack. Cleaning the seeds is relatively easy. They can be washed thoroughly in a colander or boiled briefly to remove the stringy pumpkin flesh.

Here is a basic recipe courtesy of Food Network  for toasted pumpkin seeds. I use this basic recipe, but I add 2 teaspoons of cumin along with 1/2 teaspoon of red pepper.

Pumpkin seeds are relatively high in fat as are all nuts. A cup of toasted seeds has 286 calories. However, enjoyed in small portions, they can be a tasty treat. Give them a try this Halloween Season!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Five Cardio Workouts to Break Boredom and Lose Weight

Aerobic exercises are great for your cardiovascular and lung health, for losing weight, and for burning fat, but the challenge is how to maintain commitment and prevent burn-out. A powerful key to combat burnout is variety in exercise choice.

Fortunately, there are many cardiovascular exercises to choose from. Here are five suggestions for cardio exercises you can do:

1. Basketball

Even if you can't shoot a basket to save your life, you can still participate in basketball. This is a great exercise for exercising both your upper and lower body.  Your heart rate will increase with constant movement up and down the court, burning calories.  

2. Handball and Raquet Ball

Another full body workout can be had with either of these sports. Your heart rate and legs will get a great workout with the sprinting you'll be doing. Don't be afraid to look foolish starting out. The time learning to do it well is worth the investment.  An average sized person can burn more than 400 calories in just half an hour!

3. Elliptical Trainer

Boring is the first word that comes to mind with the elliptical trainer; however, this machine is a great way to get into shape and increase your endurance without high impact on your joints. Try this tool as an alternative to running outdoors or on the treadmill. An average build person can burn 300 calories in just half an hour.

4. Step Aerobics

Step aerobics are a lot of fun and the only equipment you need is a height adjustable step.  Your hips, glutes, and legs will get a major workout and you can burn up to 400 calories in just half an hour.  Most classes include upper body movements coordinated with step moves giving some full body workout benefit. A good intense workout would be to try to do 40 steps in about two minutes.

5. Rock Climbing

Climbing gyms have become more popular. Find a buddy or a group to try out rock climbing. Climbing gyms provide training and equipment. You'll find people at all skill levels in these gyms.

Rock climbing uses the strength and power in your legs and arms and burns almost 400 calories in half an hour.  Your arms will be well worked out and sore after a good climb.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Former Biggest Loser Winner Sighting

My wife spotted Season 6 winner, Michelle Aguilar on TV earlier this week. I learned that she married a few years ago and has been working as a Christian motivational speaker.

She was promoting her book, Becoming Fearless: My Ongoing Journey of Learning to Trust God

She has appears to have gained back a good bit of her weight which probably explains why she hasn't been seen on the Biggest Loser recently.

I am glad for her that she is pursuing her passion and calling. I am sad for her that she appears to have not continued the habits she learned on the show to maintain most of her weight loss.

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 18th Show Recap

Thank Goodness for DVR

It was a busy week, and I only just watched the show earlier today. I usually DVR the program and watch it to skip the commercials as well as other parts that seem boring to me.

At Home Challenge 

Sunny is wins a week at home 
Sunny was sent home for a week of training at home after the first challenge - a game of plinko. Fortunately, Bob came with her for the the trip. I feel sorry from her outdoor training at a ranch in the summer Texas heat. This summer was the hottest on record in Texas. It was a amazingly hard to do much outdoors when the sun was up.

I always like the at home challenges because it simulates real world challenges that contestants as well as everyone on a journey to better health faces. Finding variety in workouts, dealing with self-consciousness at the gym, and eating out healthy are all universal challenges.

Bob's presence appeared to make Sunny's week easy - her weight loss was the highest it had ever been. I continue to be amazed at Bob's skills of training and motivation.

The Trainers

I've already spent time on Bob. I still like Dolvett; however, I can't understand why his team continues to lose weigh-ins. He seems to have the right work-out strategies, and he is a motivator. I can only speculate there's something up with his team.

Blue Team does pool workout 
I have nearly decided to write off Anna Kournikova as a trainer. She did try an adapted workout in the water this week. However, she still is unable to effectively workout and motivate Bonnie. She took a really destructive judgmental line when she and Bonnie argued at the weigh-in. I really hope NBC can get Jillian Michael back for next season.

The Teams

The Red Team faced elimination again. I don't understand why this group can't lose the weight. They have youth as well as players with no physical limits like the other teams. They are seem the most happy and fun-loving of the teams. Maybe, they just aren't serious or disciplined enough.

The cracks in the Black Team were very apparent this week. Jennifer and John both don't seem to get along with the other black team members. This was the first mention by black team members and Bob about problems with Jennifer. I suspect there is more to come. I haven't liked John much since the second week. There's a real insincere vibe from him.

Staying negative, I am so ready for Bonnie from the Blue team to leave. She is such a whiner.


Courtney was eliminated from the Red Team. I wish her well. She as well as the other eliminated Red Team players have the best shot of winning the marathon.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Four Letter Secret of Maintaining Weight Loss Success

A recent medical study on longterm weight loss success reinforced timeless wisdom. The study looked at the profile of people who were successful in maintaining 10% weight loss over a 10 year time period. Eight characteristics were identified in the successful group.

  1. Eat a calorie moderated diet of no more than 1800 calories per day with no more than 30% fat content
  2. Eat breakfast regularly
  3. Eat fast food less than once per week
  4. Eat out at restaurant no more than three times per week 
  5. Regularly eat same foods with no over-eating at parties or other special events 
  6. Track weight at least once per week 
  7. Spend less than 10 hours a week on screen time 
  8. Participate in regular physical activity 

FOOD is the four letter secret!

Five of the eight success areas deal with food choices. The four major areas of focus in food choices include:

  • Timing 
  • Portion size  
  • Calories content  
  • Carbohydrates content 

If you haven't already started a healthy diet. Begin it today. Small steps in changing your food choices will lead to a healthy life and loss of weight.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pick up the Pace with Cycling

Pick up the pace with cycling

Cycling provides a powerful fitness and weight loss exercise. You gain benefit in strengthening leg muscles which translates to better endurance in other activities such as walking or stair climbing. In addition, there is less impact on joints reducing the risk for joint damage. The aerobic benefit from moderate intensity cycling is a great way to burn calories.  Peddling at a speed of 12-14 mph will burn up about 500 calories an hour.  peddling at twelve to fourteen miles per hour.

A variety of choices are available for cycling as well. You may choose an indoor spin bike, road bike, or a mountain bike. Each choice for cycling has benefits and drawbacks. Fair weather is a great time for a family bike ride. Enjoying nature or camaraderie of the group is also best done in the outdoors. However, outdoor cycling requires more preparation, and fickle weather can ruin a good bike ride.

Indoor spin cycling while for more boring has several advantages including the all important removal of the bad weather factor. Less preparation or gear is required for indoor cycling. As I mentioned previously, a group spin class can be a great motivator.

Getting some physical exercise from cycling bike riding will help you burn calories, strengthen leg muscles, and boost your energy. Get motivated today. Pull out your bike and go for a ride or get to the gym for a spin class!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Eat Your Vegetables

Green Beans with Honey-Mustard Glaze
Sugars and calories can quickly sneak their way into the diet. Many foods are fortified with high fructose corn syrup which is questioned as a culprit in weight gain.  Compared to many other foods, most vegetables and fruits have less calories and sugars per serving. An obesity research study published in 2001 showed multiple benefits in families targeted to increased fruits and vegetables in their diet.
Obesity prevention begins in the home and includes the entire family. However, healthy eating can be a struggle in children who are most at need for  establishing early healthy eating.

Here are some quick tips and recipes courtesy of Cooking Light to get more healthy vegetables into family meals. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Show recap for October 11th

All-weather Challenge
I got my wish from last week with more outdoor workouts. The ultimate obstacle course challenge in multiple terrain and weather was the challenge this week.

I liked the swimming workouts with Bob. Swimming is a great way to workout with minimal stress on the joints. I will be adding some swimming back into my weekly workouts and will do an entire post on my experience with some tips.

Dolvett and Courtney shot some hoops. Shooting baskets is a great upper body workout and can really mix things up in the weekly exercise plan. The same workout experience is true for tennis. I was happy to see Anna trying new workouts with her team.

The Trainers

Bob and Dolvett were engaged and motivating to their teams. I've noticed now for several weeks that Anna is wearing a lot of make-up in her close-ups. I really wish she'd lose the make-up. It's distracting and makes it hard for me to take her seriously.  Her team's weigh-in loss also seals it that she is not a good replacement for Jillian.

Past Season Contestants 

Great to see some of the former contestants visit and offer motivation. Hannah, Marcie, and Adam look great. Hannah's stuffed turkey bell pepper recipe has 140 calories per serving and looks delicious.

Jerry Hayes from Season 7 would have been a great visitor for the blue team.


Sad to see coach Mike leave.

Bonnie's decision to eliminate her team's strongest player seals the blue team's fate. I predict the entire blue team will be gone within 2-3 weeks if the current team arrangement stays.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunday NFL and the Treadmill: A Fitness Recipe

Treadmill workouts are a good tool in the fitness arsenal. Treadmills have several advantages over outdoor running including:

  • Ease on the joints 
  • Immunity to weather 
  • Variation of incline 

A good workout can be had without the need to run. Brisk walking, especially on an incline is  great way to burn calories and raise the heart rate. 40 minutes of walking on a steep incline burns equivalent calories to a brisk run.

TIME is the key to success in treadmill walking and also a big barrier to success use of the treadmill. The time spent on the treadmill workout is usually very boring. Music, TV, or a friend can counteract the monotony of the treadmill.

A quick tip for Sunday treadmill walking - distract your mind with an NFL game while you walk. The average NFL game last 3 hours. Watching even a single quarter will nearly finish your workout. Try this tip next Sunday. Not an NFL fan? - this trick works for regular TV shows as well.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jillian Michael podcast impression

I mentioned in the motivation on the go post that I planned to check out Jillian's podcast during my commute this week. I actually checked out two different podcasts and have double the info.

The first podcasts turned out not to be what I expected. The Jillian Michaels Fan Cast is not hosted by Jillian but by a guy named Dave. The casts have some news about Jillian interspersed with lot of marketing of her products. There's a website associated with the podcast where you can buy products mentioned on the podcast.

I give this podcast thumbs down and removed it.  Dave's story on one of his other weight loss websites is a good one, but I prefer practical advice over marketing.

The Jillian Michaels Show does have Jillian and a co-host, Julia (?). I listened to partials of a two her her podcasts on Friday. I didn't get exactly what I expected. My expectation was to hear straight-on fitness advice. However, the opportunity to hear Jillian in a more unplugged setting was good.

Jillian chats free-form with the co-host a good part of the podcast and takes calls from people seeking advice. Her advice is honest and practical.

I give this podcast a tenative thumbs up. I'm still not sure the format meets my current personal needs, but we'll see.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Show Recap for Tuesday Oct 4th

NFL Week

It was cool to see different work-outs with NFL players. A criticism I have of the show is that they don't show more outdoor workouts or other boot camp style workouts. I wish they would highlight more of the circuit training routines.

I especially liked the segment with Eric Dickerson. The guy was motivating and looks great. I am glad that Coach Mike won the superbowl tickets with the week's biggest percentage of weight loss.

The Trainers

Bob - you are super-human! I am amazed at the results that his team achieving. It is just phenomenal to see him workout Courtney with her knee stress fracture. It is truly inspiring to see that focus in diet coupled with a modified workout plan can achieve so much.

Anna's training ability remains a big question mark for me. Her team finally managed to acheive big numbers and avoid elimination. I notice that her team only seems to work on the cardio equipment. I finally saw them using weightsand ropes which may have been the difference. I would really like to see alternative workouts for the older group such as pool training or more weight circuits. This would inspire lots of seniors and others with physical limits to keep going. She could use a lesson from Bob in adapting her workouts.

The Teams

The red team faced elimination which was a shame. They seem like a very fun bunch of people who like each other. Ahhh! - Was Vinny wearing a speedo or just tight underwear? I'm surprised the camera lens didn't break.

I fall into the black team age group. It is great to see them achieve consistent success. I suspect their maturity combined with "Zen-master Bob" is a winning recipe. The blue team is now winnowed down to the consistent performers. I hope the three stay around for a while. I like them.


Patrick chose to sacrifice himself at elmination. I think his choice was noble. He did have the most home support and seems well connected. If he remains committed, he may still return via the marathon.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Join the Group: Fitness Class Tips

I was inspired yesterday after attending a 24hr fitness spin class to write about group exercise classes.

Group classes are a great way for consistent, accountable exercise. The biggest road block for most of us when we think about group exercise class is seeing lots of fit people that look like they could put you to shame in an exercise class.

I encourage you don't let your anxiety about looking bad in a class stop you from taking a step to better health and fitness. Here are some quick tips to help you get going and keep the exercise habit in your weekly routine.

1.  Get Support 

Ask a family member, friend, or co-worker to go with you.  You can bring your own support and encouragement to a class. You can also work to make new friends in your class. Feel comfortable sharing your worries or struggles.

2.  Get Information 

Talk to the people at the gym or watch a class or two before you jump in. There are diverse choices in class from cardio training like spin class, yoga, or weight training. Figure out what kind of class or classes you are interested and able to do.

3. Get Prepared 

Pack and prepare for the class the day prior to the class. You eliminate mental excuses not to attend if you eliminate barriers. Also, get any equipment has as yoga mats or biking shoes to help you fully participate.

After a few weeks, you'll have created a new fitness habit. You'll end up feeling good . . .physically and about yourself because you took the first step to become a better you!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Motivation on the Go

Even though Jillian Michaels is no longer part of the Biggest Loser, she still a great motivator for fitness and weight loss.

I found that she has podcasts in itunes. I plan to subscribe and give some of them a listen.  A podcast is a great way to pass the time and get motivation while stuck in the commute to or from work.

Check out the Jillian Michaels Show on itunes. I'll have some feedback next week after listening to a few episodes. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Show Recap from Tuesday

Challenge Disappointment 

I really don't like the temptation challenges and wish the show would get rid of them. I understand that food temptations will be constant when the contestants leave the Ranch. However, I don't agree with rewarding bad choices. Eating over 1000 calories in doughnuts is just wrong, cmon John!

The pool challenge was boring to me. I fast forwarded through most of it.

The Trainers 

I like Bob. He is consistently successful, and he is quirky. I have more questions now on Anna's training ability. I mentioned in my last show post that it was too soon to tell if she was good. Two losses by her team adds more doubts. I continue to like Dolvett both on a personal level and as a trainer.

The Teams 

John's doughnut adventure and his game-playing are putting him in a bad light. Is this real or theater for the show?


No surprise that Johnny went home with the weight gain. He didn't seem to be fully in with the workouts this week. My wife thinks he looks like Burgermeister MeisterBurger from Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Eating well 12 months of the year

Healthy eating is a challenge is the busy life most of us lead. However, it is a necessity for everyone for optimum health. For those of us with weight to lose, it is absolutely essential. Even the most active people will not lose weight if calories and food content are not healthy and balanced.

 Healthy cooking can be a challenge on many levels such as
  • Poor support from family
  • Lack of time for cooking
  • Tight finances 
  • Lack of recipes

One of the greatest resources for me has been the Cooking Light magazine. The magazine not only has abundant recipes but also has many health articles including work-out programs.

Cooking Light launched the 12 healthy habits program this year. This month's healthy habit is eating more fish. Fish is a great source of protein and most fish are very light on calories.

Please check out the program and check out my favorite fish recipe for the month, Sauteed Tilapia with Honey Scallion Dressing.  

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The scoop on water and weight loss

Britta, a Biggest Loser sponsor, has launched their Britta Challenge. Having used Britta products in the past, I like this company and am glad to see their partnership with Biggest Loser.

 People who sign up for the Britta Challenge are encouraged to Feel the Difference by drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day for four weeks. The goals are weight loss and feeling better. Taking the challenge also gets you motivational tips and a chance to win a trip to the Fitness Ridge Biggest Loser Resort.

 Drinking extra water for weight loss has been a long-standing tip. The heath benefits of water, pure water have been promoted for a long time. But, what are the real, proven facts about water and health?

 The water content in our bodies is responsible for roughly 50% of our body weight. Water has many important functions in the body including:

  • Maintaining blood volume and circulation 
  • Filtration of wastes in the kidney and liver
  • Maintaining moisture in the skin 

 Water comes from a variety of sources in our diet including both liquids and foods. Checking science gives a guide on daily water needs. The national academy of science recommends the following daily goals

Adult men - up to fifteen 8 oz glasses of water per day
Adult women - up to eleven 8 oz glasses of water per day

 Daily water requirements vary based on how active you are and how hot it is in the environment. Women have a need for even more water during pregnancy and lactation. Lastly, certain medications such as diuretics cause excess loss of water from the body.

Controversy remains whether water helps with weight loss. The only recent scientific data comes from a 2004 German research study in fourteen healthy research subjects. Research participants had their metabolic rates measured after drinking 17 oz of water. Metabolic rate increased by 30% in the first hour after drinking the water.

 More scientific research will be needed to understand water's role in body metabolism and prove if extra water is capable of super-charging metabolism. In the meantime, if you are seeking weight loss, drinking will help you stay hydrated and keep a sense of fullness.

Hydration from water itself is the best way for daily water consumption. Other fluid sources of water such as diet drinks or milk are fine as well but have potential negatives of artificial sweetners or extra calories. As in all things, too much of a good thing can be bad. Drinking massive amounts of water dilutes the blood and lowers body sodium levels to a dangerous level leading to hyponatremia. Be smart and use water as a tool in your diet.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

NBC Biggest Loser Season 12 Premier - First Impressions

Opening Challenge 

The mile race in the desert was a great way to open the season. I like the physical challenges in the show best. The ending when Anna and the other contestants cheered on the seniors team seemed very genuine and touching.  It was also encouraging to see the middle team win the challenge - watch out youngsters!

The Teams 

Everyone seems real and likable on first look. I like Boston John on the senior team. He seems like a down to earth, real person.  I lived in Nashville for several years, and I feel a special connection for the folks that live in that area, Vinny and Antone.

Dolvett and Vinny seem to be a great fit. His "schooling" from Dolvett was a great scene.

I think Vinny will be able to go far if he can stick around. He also seems like a fun guy.

Antone on the middle team is a former NFL lineman gone soft. I saw a lot of fire and water from him. He's got the fire of an athlete. Bob Harper got the water from him by beating him to a pulp with his workouts. The dude was on the ground crying and sweating most of the first episode!

The New Trainers


I was bummed out by Jillian Michael's departure last season. I felt very skeptical about Anna's inclusion in the show as Jillian's replacement, but I was pleasantly surprised on Tuesday night. Anna seemed very genuine and competent. She seems like a good fit for the senior team. However, her team did lose the weigh in. I think it's too soon to judge if that loss is a reflection on her as a trainer.


I like this guy! He projects confidence. He is a motivator, and he's got that tough edge like Jillian. On first look, I hope he stays around for more seasons.

First Elimination 

The first couple of eliminated players don't have much impact for me. I feel little connection for them. I wish Debbie well. Her scenes on the show did show her struggling; so, maybe it wasn't so bad for her to leave.

The Marathon 

I am so glad the show added a marathon for everyone at the end. I really think the show is more real when there are real challenges - physical and mental - rather than the game play. A marathon is a motivator for everyone. Automatic inclusion in finale for the winner - how great is that?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Taking first steps

Making a change in your life for better health is a challenge for almost anyone. It is hard to set goals, and it is hard to keep on track for goals. Here are a few tips to get started. 

1. Set your goals

Whether your goals are loss of weight, change in habits, or greater exercise endurance, you must have something definite 
as your target. 

Consider the tool of using a journal to record your goals and add specific plans for accomplishing those goals 
Track your progress by reviewing your journal regularly. 

2. Start with small steps 

Please realistic regarding what you are able and willing to do. If you have been a couch potato for a while, start slow with exercise. 
10-15 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week is an achievable goal for almost anyone. 
Small diet changes like adding more fruits or vegetables into the daily diet and less high sugar foods is
also a realistic goal. 

3. Get motivation from others

Tell a friends or friends about your plan. Ask for accountability and encouragement. Exercise with 
a friend or group will also help you keep your focus for life changes.