Friday, October 21, 2011

October 18th Show Recap

Thank Goodness for DVR

It was a busy week, and I only just watched the show earlier today. I usually DVR the program and watch it to skip the commercials as well as other parts that seem boring to me.

At Home Challenge 

Sunny is wins a week at home 
Sunny was sent home for a week of training at home after the first challenge - a game of plinko. Fortunately, Bob came with her for the the trip. I feel sorry from her outdoor training at a ranch in the summer Texas heat. This summer was the hottest on record in Texas. It was a amazingly hard to do much outdoors when the sun was up.

I always like the at home challenges because it simulates real world challenges that contestants as well as everyone on a journey to better health faces. Finding variety in workouts, dealing with self-consciousness at the gym, and eating out healthy are all universal challenges.

Bob's presence appeared to make Sunny's week easy - her weight loss was the highest it had ever been. I continue to be amazed at Bob's skills of training and motivation.

The Trainers

I've already spent time on Bob. I still like Dolvett; however, I can't understand why his team continues to lose weigh-ins. He seems to have the right work-out strategies, and he is a motivator. I can only speculate there's something up with his team.

Blue Team does pool workout 
I have nearly decided to write off Anna Kournikova as a trainer. She did try an adapted workout in the water this week. However, she still is unable to effectively workout and motivate Bonnie. She took a really destructive judgmental line when she and Bonnie argued at the weigh-in. I really hope NBC can get Jillian Michael back for next season.

The Teams

The Red Team faced elimination again. I don't understand why this group can't lose the weight. They have youth as well as players with no physical limits like the other teams. They are seem the most happy and fun-loving of the teams. Maybe, they just aren't serious or disciplined enough.

The cracks in the Black Team were very apparent this week. Jennifer and John both don't seem to get along with the other black team members. This was the first mention by black team members and Bob about problems with Jennifer. I suspect there is more to come. I haven't liked John much since the second week. There's a real insincere vibe from him.

Staying negative, I am so ready for Bonnie from the Blue team to leave. She is such a whiner.


Courtney was eliminated from the Red Team. I wish her well. She as well as the other eliminated Red Team players have the best shot of winning the marathon.

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