Sunday, October 30, 2011

Four Halloween Survival Tips

Halloween begins the Triple Threat weight gain time of the year.

Here are four tips to make your Halloween fun while controlling the high calorie tricks.

1. Start the burn early

Workout in the morning. A calorie burn in the morning will boost metabolic rate all day and give some extra calories for nocturnal indulgence.

2. Keep candy calorie counts in mind

Candy is candy, and you will have lots calories, sugar, and fats in any treats you receive. However, not all candy is equal. Some candy choices hit the calorie and fat bottom line much harder than others. Here is a quick guide on Best and Worst Halloween Candy courtesy of Eat this, not that.

Portion on control is key as well. Enjoy only a few of your treats on Halloween and save or share the rest over the next one or two weeks.

3. Watch the alcohol

Adult parties with adult beverages are common on Halloween. The calorie breakdown for common alcoholic drinks includes the following:

  • 12 oz beer = 150 calories 
  • 5 oz wine = 100 calories 
  • 6 oz Margarita = 327 calories 

Moderate your drinking or even skip the alcohol to save yourself some calories.

4. Trick-or-treat on your feet

Walk instead of drive the trick-or-treat route. Besides the extra calorie burn with walking, you'll get some additional benefits including:

  • visiting fewer homes which means less candy 
  • actually talking to neighbors or meeting new people 
  • getting your children active 

I hope these tips help you create new Halloween habits. 

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