Thursday, September 29, 2011

Show Recap from Tuesday

Challenge Disappointment 

I really don't like the temptation challenges and wish the show would get rid of them. I understand that food temptations will be constant when the contestants leave the Ranch. However, I don't agree with rewarding bad choices. Eating over 1000 calories in doughnuts is just wrong, cmon John!

The pool challenge was boring to me. I fast forwarded through most of it.

The Trainers 

I like Bob. He is consistently successful, and he is quirky. I have more questions now on Anna's training ability. I mentioned in my last show post that it was too soon to tell if she was good. Two losses by her team adds more doubts. I continue to like Dolvett both on a personal level and as a trainer.

The Teams 

John's doughnut adventure and his game-playing are putting him in a bad light. Is this real or theater for the show?


No surprise that Johnny went home with the weight gain. He didn't seem to be fully in with the workouts this week. My wife thinks he looks like Burgermeister MeisterBurger from Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

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