Monday, September 26, 2011

Eating well 12 months of the year

Healthy eating is a challenge is the busy life most of us lead. However, it is a necessity for everyone for optimum health. For those of us with weight to lose, it is absolutely essential. Even the most active people will not lose weight if calories and food content are not healthy and balanced.

 Healthy cooking can be a challenge on many levels such as
  • Poor support from family
  • Lack of time for cooking
  • Tight finances 
  • Lack of recipes

One of the greatest resources for me has been the Cooking Light magazine. The magazine not only has abundant recipes but also has many health articles including work-out programs.

Cooking Light launched the 12 healthy habits program this year. This month's healthy habit is eating more fish. Fish is a great source of protein and most fish are very light on calories.

Please check out the program and check out my favorite fish recipe for the month, Sauteed Tilapia with Honey Scallion Dressing.  

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