Wednesday, September 21, 2011

NBC Biggest Loser Season 12 Premier - First Impressions

Opening Challenge 

The mile race in the desert was a great way to open the season. I like the physical challenges in the show best. The ending when Anna and the other contestants cheered on the seniors team seemed very genuine and touching.  It was also encouraging to see the middle team win the challenge - watch out youngsters!

The Teams 

Everyone seems real and likable on first look. I like Boston John on the senior team. He seems like a down to earth, real person.  I lived in Nashville for several years, and I feel a special connection for the folks that live in that area, Vinny and Antone.

Dolvett and Vinny seem to be a great fit. His "schooling" from Dolvett was a great scene.

I think Vinny will be able to go far if he can stick around. He also seems like a fun guy.

Antone on the middle team is a former NFL lineman gone soft. I saw a lot of fire and water from him. He's got the fire of an athlete. Bob Harper got the water from him by beating him to a pulp with his workouts. The dude was on the ground crying and sweating most of the first episode!

The New Trainers


I was bummed out by Jillian Michael's departure last season. I felt very skeptical about Anna's inclusion in the show as Jillian's replacement, but I was pleasantly surprised on Tuesday night. Anna seemed very genuine and competent. She seems like a good fit for the senior team. However, her team did lose the weigh in. I think it's too soon to judge if that loss is a reflection on her as a trainer.


I like this guy! He projects confidence. He is a motivator, and he's got that tough edge like Jillian. On first look, I hope he stays around for more seasons.

First Elimination 

The first couple of eliminated players don't have much impact for me. I feel little connection for them. I wish Debbie well. Her scenes on the show did show her struggling; so, maybe it wasn't so bad for her to leave.

The Marathon 

I am so glad the show added a marathon for everyone at the end. I really think the show is more real when there are real challenges - physical and mental - rather than the game play. A marathon is a motivator for everyone. Automatic inclusion in finale for the winner - how great is that?

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