Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Show Recap for Tuesday Oct 4th

NFL Week

It was cool to see different work-outs with NFL players. A criticism I have of the show is that they don't show more outdoor workouts or other boot camp style workouts. I wish they would highlight more of the circuit training routines.

I especially liked the segment with Eric Dickerson. The guy was motivating and looks great. I am glad that Coach Mike won the superbowl tickets with the week's biggest percentage of weight loss.

The Trainers

Bob - you are super-human! I am amazed at the results that his team achieving. It is just phenomenal to see him workout Courtney with her knee stress fracture. It is truly inspiring to see that focus in diet coupled with a modified workout plan can achieve so much.

Anna's training ability remains a big question mark for me. Her team finally managed to acheive big numbers and avoid elimination. I notice that her team only seems to work on the cardio equipment. I finally saw them using weightsand ropes which may have been the difference. I would really like to see alternative workouts for the older group such as pool training or more weight circuits. This would inspire lots of seniors and others with physical limits to keep going. She could use a lesson from Bob in adapting her workouts.

The Teams

The red team faced elimination which was a shame. They seem like a very fun bunch of people who like each other. Ahhh! - Was Vinny wearing a speedo or just tight underwear? I'm surprised the camera lens didn't break.

I fall into the black team age group. It is great to see them achieve consistent success. I suspect their maturity combined with "Zen-master Bob" is a winning recipe. The blue team is now winnowed down to the consistent performers. I hope the three stay around for a while. I like them.


Patrick chose to sacrifice himself at elmination. I think his choice was noble. He did have the most home support and seems well connected. If he remains committed, he may still return via the marathon.

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