Sunday, September 18, 2011

Taking first steps

Making a change in your life for better health is a challenge for almost anyone. It is hard to set goals, and it is hard to keep on track for goals. Here are a few tips to get started. 

1. Set your goals

Whether your goals are loss of weight, change in habits, or greater exercise endurance, you must have something definite 
as your target. 

Consider the tool of using a journal to record your goals and add specific plans for accomplishing those goals 
Track your progress by reviewing your journal regularly. 

2. Start with small steps 

Please realistic regarding what you are able and willing to do. If you have been a couch potato for a while, start slow with exercise. 
10-15 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week is an achievable goal for almost anyone. 
Small diet changes like adding more fruits or vegetables into the daily diet and less high sugar foods is
also a realistic goal. 

3. Get motivation from others

Tell a friends or friends about your plan. Ask for accountability and encouragement. Exercise with 
a friend or group will also help you keep your focus for life changes.

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