Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Four Letter Secret of Maintaining Weight Loss Success

A recent medical study on longterm weight loss success reinforced timeless wisdom. The study looked at the profile of people who were successful in maintaining 10% weight loss over a 10 year time period. Eight characteristics were identified in the successful group.

  1. Eat a calorie moderated diet of no more than 1800 calories per day with no more than 30% fat content
  2. Eat breakfast regularly
  3. Eat fast food less than once per week
  4. Eat out at restaurant no more than three times per week 
  5. Regularly eat same foods with no over-eating at parties or other special events 
  6. Track weight at least once per week 
  7. Spend less than 10 hours a week on screen time 
  8. Participate in regular physical activity 

FOOD is the four letter secret!

Five of the eight success areas deal with food choices. The four major areas of focus in food choices include:

  • Timing 
  • Portion size  
  • Calories content  
  • Carbohydrates content 

If you haven't already started a healthy diet. Begin it today. Small steps in changing your food choices will lead to a healthy life and loss of weight.

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