Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Marathon and one week until finale

Biggest Loser Season 12 marathon start
I was really looking forward to the marathon after last week's program. The marathon does discriminate against older players as well as players with leg or hip injuries. Unfortunately, the hips, knees, and ankles will take a beating if you're obese. This season's contestants have shown that to be true.

I hope that they continue the marathon concept tradition with subsequent shows. I like the concept that a person can be eliminated and work hard at home to regain a spot. Perhaps, they can create a multiple challenge that includes weight loss, knowledge, and physical challenge as a pathway to the finale.

Ramon won the marathon and joined two others for the finale. He has shown great effort this season; however, he is a long-shot for winning. It will be interesting to see what becomes of his relationship with Jessica in the future. Will it endure after all the Biggest Loser attention fades?

"Crazy Courtney" made an appearance in the marathon and again showed her hang-up for Bob Harper. She seems to have continued with weight loss, and I'm glad to see the stress fracture has healed. I'm sure she will offer some great material next week with the finale. Will Bob need a restraining order in the future?

Boston Johnny's alter-ego
It was fun to see Boston Johnny (aka Burgermesiter Meisterburger) in the marathon. It took him and Debbie over 12 hours to finish it, but they did finish - what heart, what optimism!

And speaking for heart and competition - what about Coach Mike. The guy finished in 9th or 10th place!


Becky did not deliver weight loss at the final weigh-in - only lost 10 lbs since going home. She strongly demonstrates the challenge that all players (really everyone who is on a weight loss journey) faces when living "real life".

The competition between Antone and John will be great. I personally like Antone, and I hope he wins. However, I suspect John will be the more likely winner. However, I agree with Dolvett that it is likely that John will regain his weight. I think he is still a wounded person who needs balance and healing in his life.

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