Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Show recap November 15th


Contestants competed in five events with a loose Olympic theme. Two of the three events were non-physical challenges which evened up the competition. I especially liked the nutrition knowledge quiz which is vital for lifelong weight management success.

Apollo Ono made a short appearance at the final running event to support and encourage the contestants. How amazing to see the progress in contestants' endurance and performance.


There wasn't much time spent with the trainers this week except for Dolvett Quince's segment with John. It was a intense and really added a very personal story to a trainer that I have found very likeable. I hope that he continues with the show.


Bonnie finished last in the competition and received a 1 lb penalty. This penalty placed her lowest in the weight loss. She chose to leave the show rather than force a vote between her and Becky.  I had a change of heart on her in the last few weeks and find her very likeable.

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