Thursday, March 1, 2012

Biggest Loser Contestant Go Home for this Week's Show

Eighteen Days Home 

Contestants were sent home for 18 days during this week's show. I thought it was a refreshing change from all the game-play and drama that has happened over the last few weeks.

There was a chance to see a personal side of all the players and learn more about them. There was also the opportunity to see how they confronted temptations of food while at home. For the most part, everyone did a good job.

Challenge and Immunity

A rowing challenge for $10,000 cash was won by Chism.

The biggest reward for this week's episode was immunity from elimination for those who lost 5% weight. Almost the entire group met and conquered the challenge with only three people falling short. Even those who fell short didn't do that poorly.

The immunity challenge really highlights what "laser-beam focus" on diet and exercise can accomplish in even a short period of time.

Chism Elimination 

The black team lost the weigh-in, and Chism was the only person on the team without immunity. It was an emotional time for everyone. You could tell that Chism was liked by everyone on the team.

I think his elimination also brings into focus the theme of No Excuses. He did a good job at home, but the job wasn't quite enough for immunity. He accepted the consequences with making excuses and is now moving on in a positive direction.

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