Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Two quick morning health motivation hints

I have two ideas to offer as quick tips. I've already been doing both of them for a while, but there are few ideas without any value. I hope that you find some value in these hints

1: Change up your workouts 

I added the Beach Body 10 minute trainer into my exercise routine. Having workout options at home takes away a lot of excuses. It's short, 10 minutes!  Anyone has got 10 minutes of life during their day to devote to a workout.

I like the workouts so far. I've done 10-20 minute blocks for three times now. I plan to add one or two sessions per week to supplement gym time.

2: Pack your own lunch 

Packing gives you control of your diet, and it saves money. If your job is busy and unpredictable, packing a lunch is a powerful strategy to keep you away from vending machines.

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