Thursday, March 8, 2012

BL Recap Moving out of the Comfort Zone

Twist of the week: Trainer Switch

Black team trains with Dolvett, and Bob gets the Red team. The black team, especially Emily, struggled with the change. Chris's anxiety also continues.

Bob puts a whipping on the Red Team who took it in stride Bob's work-out serves up a heaping helping of burpees. Yes, Burpees are effective, but I hate them too.

Ballet dancing for a work-out, intriguing. It was funny watching the Black Team's reaction. Dolvett was just the cutest in tights. It was truly an out of the comfort zone moment.

Buddy's Story

I was very touched by Buddy's story. It is so hard to hear stories of infant death and all the stresses, emotional and financial. Buddy always appears to be a classy, honest guy. It would be nice if he was the Biggest Loser.

Alliances and Mudpit Challenge

 The black team women begin forming alliances banding the women together.

The mudpit challenge was down & dirty for a 2 lb advantage which was won by the team.

Cassandra Eliminated 

Cassandra eliminated for the week
Sad to see the Black team women lose the weigh-in. I was surprised to see Cassandra get voted off.

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