Saturday, February 11, 2012

Still too much drama on Biggest Loser episode

I thought last week was bad, but this week was worse. The complaining, the confrontations, and the divisions were very distracting.

"Wrassler Kim" Steps In 

The Red Team lost the use of Dolvett for the week.I admire Kim for stepping in to do the training. I think that she did a good job overall even if Red Team lost the weigh-in.


I liked the guy initially with his story of losing his first child. I even liked him last week after he couldn't shut his mouth.

No Surprise.... he's gone!

I still like him somewhat even after the total drama elimination. In the end, he knew he was eliminated, and he could have chosen to leave with more class. He didn't make that choice. 

My final judgement on him is that he is a My Way or the Highway personality who can't play team.

Now we find out what kind of person his sister will be.

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