Sunday, January 6, 2013

Biggest Loser Season 14 Launch

Season Premiere

We get part 1 of a two part season premiere tonight. NBC has some details up on contestants and the concept for this season. 

This season is Challenge America. Inspire and change lives. Sounds very positive and uplifting. As I wrote in the past, this season is likely to be very over the top kumbayah to overcome the negativity and nastiness from the last couple of seasons. 

Whole 30 breakfast 

I'm into day 5 of whole 30, and it's going okay. Hunger has been a challenge. I have to eat more frequently. Time for meal prep is also a challenge. I'll be making some tweaks on a paleo breakfast casserole recipe that I discovered and have it either this morning or tomorrow morning. Looks good and will hopefully taste good too. 

Paleo breakfast casserole

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