Thursday, January 17, 2013

Goodbye Cate

Show Recap 

I did get a chance to watch BL late on Monday. Love that DVR! The show has been enjoyable to watch so far. It is definitely staying on the positive.

Biggest Loser Junk 
The theme for the week was lose the junk. The blue team lost a childhood obesity trivia challenge and was forced to spend hours in a junk food laden, sedentary room.

A childhood obesity expert stopped in to the teen contestants' homes and emptied out the junk food.

The best part of the episode was Bob's deck of cards crossfit wod in the junk room. weigh-in

Cate Laughlan from the red team was voted off after red team lost the weigh-in. I was pulling for a red line again, but the voting was much more civil this time. There are very nice Q&A interview by Cate that I found that is inspiring.

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