Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Biggest Loser Survey Shocks and Saddens

I just read an article recapping  responses from a recent survey of people who responded to a Biggest Loser contest.  

10,000 people responded to the contest survey. The results while not surprising were to me still very worrisome. In spite of all the health promotion educational campaigns both local and national, unhealthy habits still remain a persistent problem. Here are the major highlights from the contestant responses

  1. Gym membership - 56% have no gym membership
  2. Fast food - 81% eat fast food occasionally or 2/3 times per week
  3. Exercise - 51% do no exercise at all
  4. Water drinking - 46% drink no water during an average day 
  5. Knowledge gap - 46% said they didn't know what to do to get healthy 

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