Sunday, May 20, 2012

Be a Weekend Warrior Parent

We're now in week 5 of the six weeks until summer countdown 

The goal for this week is to step up the exercise. Stepping up the level of exercise can mean a different things to different people. It could mean exercising more frequently or exercising with greater intensity or maybe both.

I want to point out an often discounted idea that exercise can be fun. The fun angle is especially important when it is family exercise. It is very important to me as a father of a young child to be a role model for an active life. Childhood obesity as well as adult obesity continues to rise, and a sedentary life is the path of least resistance for many.

Exercise doesn't have to always involve a gym or a group of adults. Exercise can be a brisk family walk, a game of backyard tag, or any other active fun family game.

Keep yourself and your family in the exercise game.

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