Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Biggest Loser Episode Finishes up in D.C.

White House Workout

We got a teaser last week of First Lady, Michele Obama.  We get about a third of the episode in the White House with the First Lady. The contestants are very excited to meet her, and she offers support and encouragement. Seems that she is a fan of the show.

We get treated to a full family work-out including Mrs. Obama directed by both Dolvett and Bob. My thought after watching this segment was....

White House Burpee Fest!!!

Mrs. Obama promotes her family oriented childhood obesity campaign, Let's Move. She also ups the ante by asking contestants to get people signed up for the Presidential Active Lifestyle Challenge Program. The contestant who gets the most people signed up under his or her name wins a gym in their community. This is a great benefit both to people signing up as well as the community who will benefit. 

Chris Meltdown 

Chris unwraps a nasty present of guilt with a phone call to hubby Roy aka Santa. Instead of being jolly, Santa sounds depressed and asks her to come home. Chris deals with the extreme stress by binge eating and checking out from workouts.

Bob has a very emotional confrontation with Chris about her need to change and take care of herself which seems to work. Unfortunately, Chris still gains two pounds at the weigh-in.

The remaining contestants make a surprising move to vote her off instead of bigger threat Kim. I am sad to Chris go. As I said in last week's recap post, I thought her odds of being in the final three were long. I doubt that she will be the at-home winner. However, I think she did receive a great gift from her time on BL. Her total vulnerability on national TV inspires me and should inspire others to continue to push against barriers in life that limit us.

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