Saturday, March 2, 2013

Heading to week 10

Week 10

I was updating the eliminated contestant page. I can't believe that the season is already heading to week 10 with the makeover in just a few days.

What's been good 

The positive tone on this season and only one temptation challenge have been positives for this season. Most of the contestants seem like people that you could relate to and enjoy hanging with. There's only been one stab in the back moment with Michael's elimination.

Kids are inspiring.

What's been lacking 

Not really sure on this one, but something is missing for me this season. Incorporation of the kid's story hasn't been that great. Their clips seem to be an afterthought.

The main lacking thing is enthusiasm on my part. Maybe it's the busy nature in my life right now. Maybe it's my own pursuit of health with crossfit and a focused diet plan. It's more important to me to do the real thing than watch it on TV.

I guess we'll have to see what NBC sees in ratings and feedback on this season in another 4 or so weeks.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Time and Priority

I missed a whole episode 2 weeks ago when David was eliminated. I probably won't bother to catch-up and watch that episode.

Only watched a partial of this past week's episode. Life is lived, and sometimes TV shows aren't a priority. I can't say that I'm  burned out with BL, but it's just not the priority that it was in the past.

I've updated the contestants page, and we'll see how things go with tomorrow's episode and any commentary.

The Kids

The kid's stories are somewhat inspiring, but I'm still not getting into that aspect of this season. BL just can't seem to incorporate them in the episodes in a way that is meaningful to me.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Week 5 Recap

So Fast! 

Hard to believe we're at week 5 already. This season seems to be flying by. I watched last night's episode via DVR late last night.

I am so glad to see the apparent end of temptation challenges. This season is straightforward, mostly non-nonsense get healthy and lose weight.

I like it!
It's refreshingly positive

Eating healthy challenge 

I'm living last night's challenge with the family month of eating healthy. I've been up early and staying up late to prep food or cook. Didn't get the large batch operation done this past weekend; so, it's a daily grind to get healthy meals done. I got breakfast, work lunch, and dinner done.

  • Breakfast - boiled eggs, lean sausage, assorted bite-size veggies - will get some fruit in the morning
  • Lunch - more assorted bite-size veggies, apple, left-over rotisserie chicken, baked sweet potatoe 
  • Dinner - crockpot roast 

Contestants had to shop on a budget and fix from their purchase for the week. It's a great practical lesson on shopping healthy and cooking healthy. I think they have a link at the NBC website on shopping lists. Head over and check it out.

We got to meet chef, Devin Alexander, and watch her prepare a southwest sweet potato recipe. 

I'm really getting into sweet potatoes! 

Tonight's stumble 

Life is messy. Today was a messy day. I ate well this morning and at lunch. Tonight, it was pizza and skinny girl margarita. I wasn't a big fan of plain margaritas on the rocks. Skinny girl takes some of the calorie hit out of margaritas. 


We get a frigid, pond swimming challenge with 5 lb weight. Danni, sole white team member, wins!


Red team falls with Lisa going home. The elimination format is filled with a whole lot less drama. I noticed that they aren't doing the dramatic commercial break in the last few eliminations. Again, I like it.

Nikki and TC

We get a glimpse of Nikki and TC doing a photo shoot. Both seem to be doing well. Nice to see that Nikki appears to have gotten help and is in a better place mentally.