Saturday, May 5, 2012

BL Season 13 Raw Numbers

Season 13 Percent Weight loss

How did they do? 

The big question in my mind for this season 13 biggest loser is whether or not this season's contestants did as well as past seasons. 

The drama and the quitters from this season really swallowed up a a lot of positive feelings that I and I think many people have about BL. 

So, hard facts can help give perspective on how these folks really did. Percent weight loss is a key measure that is used throughout the game. Jeremy and Kim both meet or exceed the finalist average percent loss from the prior two seasons.  The stats aren't so good for the at-home players. Only five out of the fourteen at home players surpass the prior two season at home player loss.   

Body Mass Index 

Body mass index (BMI) is a fair measure of obesity and is another stats that can help give perspective for 
season 13 accomplishment. Both men and women had starting BMI scores on par with past seasons. I did remove Rulon and Arthur from the season 11 calculation since both men had massively high BMI scores that were way above even the morbid obesity score norm for most starting men players. 

The remaining men (three of the men this season quit) did finish out with an average in line with prior seasons. The women started in line with average but didn't make the grade at the end. 

BMI 25-29.9 overweight 
30-39.9 obese 
40-50 morbid obesity 
> 50          super obesity (not good!) 

Season 13 Body Mass Index


I don't want to diminish the accomplishments of folks for this season. Contestants lost a lot of weight and made major life changes for their health. Most shifted from morbid obesity to overweight, and a few have achieved normal BMI scores.  

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